Proxigas deals with all activities pertaining to Industrial Relations by promoting a participatory policy and managing relations with labor unions and business representatives for the purpose of constructive and effective interaction.
The Association stipulates the Gas-Water Collective Contract (CCNL Gas-Acqua), which is applied in total to about 46 thousand employees. With regard to the gas section, Proxigas represents more than half of the employees to whom this contract is applied.
Proxigas carries out this activity by making use of the Labor Commission, within that context member companies make their services and their staff available.
The Association also provides assistance to member companies by ensuring:
- The presiding over the evolution of the legislative framework for labor and welfare
- The provision of clarifications and interpretations of matters pertaining to the labor law framework and the current gas/water CCNL
- The management of relations with the Supplementary Energy Health Care Fund – cd. FASIE and with the Supplementary Pension Fund for workers in the energy sector – cd. Fondenergia
- The management of relations with the relevant insurance institutions as pertaining to the Death and Permanent Disability Insurance Convention (former Gas/Water CCNL 18.05.2017)
- Assistance and support for mediation and conciliation procedures at the Ministry of Labor in disputes under the Gas-Water collective contract (CCNL Gas-Acqua)
- Consideration of employment and labor cost trends