Institutional activity

The institutional activity of Proxigas is aimed at promoting accurate information about natural gas and the contribution that the related industrial sector can make in the decarbonization process and in a future sustainable energy setup consistent with the 2050 goals.

With this in mind, Proxigas works through different institutional frameworks and liaises with governmental, parliamentary, and regulatory representatives, as well as with all institutions concerned with energy policy and its practical implementation.

The Association observes and monitors parliamentary and governmental activity and actively participates in opportunities for stakeholder dialogue, such as fact-finding investigations, parliamentary hearings, and public talks. In particular, the Association’s activities aim to provide qualified and expert feedback with respect to legislative and regulatory proposals that impact the gas sector.

Proxigas also participates in conferences and events, promoted in order to foster debate at the political and institutional level, which also see the participation of parliamentarians, government officials and representatives of relevant institutions with the purpose of representing the Association’s position with respect to the evolution of energy policy.

The Association presides over several tables set up at the governmental level (Ministry of Ecological Transition, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Labor), the regulatory level (ARERA, AGCOM) and in relation to taxation including at the European level (Customs Agency, Revenue Agency, Department of Finance, European Commission).

Proxigas also participates in Confindustria and Confindustria Energia activities, contributing to the definition of confederal positions on energy issues.

At the European level, Proxigas monitors the activities of the Eurogas, Marcogaz, and IGU Associations.